Navigating Finances with Revolut: A Guide for Foreigners and Residents in Spain

In today's digital age, managing your finances seamlessly across borders is more crucial than ever. For those living in or visiting Spain, Revolut emerges as a powerful tool to simplify financial transactions, whether you're a foreigner exploring the vibrant streets of Madrid or a resident managing your daily expenses. Here's a comprehensive guide on what Revolut entails and how it can benefit you in Spain.

What is Revolut?

Revolut is a financial technology company that offers a range of services designed to make managing money simpler and more cost-effective. Founded in 2015, Revolut began as a digital alternative to traditional banking, providing users with a prepaid card and a mobile app to manage their finances. Since then, it has evolved into a full-featured financial platform, offering everything from currency exchange and international transfers to crypto trading and budgeting tools.

Key Features of Revolut

  1. Multi-Currency Accounts: One of Revolut’s standout features is its ability to hold and manage multiple currencies. With a Revolut account, you can hold and exchange over 30 currencies at interbank rates, which is especially advantageous for frequent travelers or expats in Spain.
  2. Fee-Free Spending Abroad: Revolut’s global card can be used for purchases anywhere in the world without incurring foreign transaction fees. This is particularly beneficial if you’re a foreigner visiting Spain or a local resident who travels frequently.
  3. ATM Withdrawals: With Revolut, you can withdraw cash from ATMs globally, though there are limits on free withdrawals based on your plan. For those living in Spain, this means convenient access to cash without excessive fees.
  4. Instant Transfers and Payments: Transferring money to friends or paying for services is straightforward with Revolut. Instant transfers within the Revolut network are free, and international payments are typically completed within one business day.
  5. Budgeting and Analytics: The app offers tools to track your spending and set budgets. This can be invaluable for managing your finances, whether you’re budgeting for a trip or keeping an eye on your monthly expenses.
  6. Crypto and Stock Trading: For those interested in investment opportunities, Revolut provides the ability to buy, hold, and trade cryptocurrencies and stocks directly from the app.
  7. Insurance and Other Benefits: Depending on your plan, Revolut also offers travel insurance, purchase protection, and even access to airport lounges.

Using Revolut in Spain: A Foreigner's Perspective

If you're a foreigner visiting Spain, Revolut can make your financial life significantly easier. Here’s how:

  • Seamless Transactions: Avoid the hassle of exchanging cash at poor rates or dealing with transaction fees from your home bank. Use your Revolut card to pay directly in euros with no additional charges.
  • Currency Exchange: You can exchange your home currency for euros within the app at competitive rates. This can save you money compared to traditional exchange services.
  • Emergency Withdrawals: If you need cash while exploring Spain, use your Revolut card to withdraw from ATMs with minimal fees. Just be mindful of your plan’s withdrawal limits.
  • Tracking Spending: Keep track of your spending in real-time with the app’s analytics. This helps you stay within your budget and manage your travel expenses more effectively.

Using Revolut as a Resident in Spain

For those who call Spain home, Revolut offers several benefits to enhance your daily financial activities:

  • Local and International Transfers: Easily send money to other Revolut users or make international transfers without high fees. This is especially useful if you frequently need to move money across borders.
  • Expense Management: Utilize the app’s budgeting features to manage your monthly expenses, set savings goals, and track where your money goes.
  • Cost-Effective Travel: For residents who travel frequently within Europe or globally, Revolut’s fee-free spending and competitive exchange rates can make a significant difference.
  • Investment Opportunities: If you're interested in diversifying your investments, Revolut’s platform allows you to trade cryptocurrencies and stocks with ease.


Revolut has revolutionized how we handle finances, making it easier and more affordable to manage money across borders. Whether you’re a foreigner visiting Spain or a local resident, Revolut offers a suite of features to streamline your financial activities, from fee-free spending and currency exchange to budgeting tools and investment options.

By leveraging Revolut’s capabilities, you can focus more on enjoying your time in Spain or managing your daily life without the typical financial hassles. Embrace the future of banking with Revolut and experience a new level of financial freedom.

Dealing with the Hot Weather in Spain

Spain is a beautiful country known for its rich culture, stunning landscapes, and vibrant cities. However, during the summer months, it can also be incredibly hot. With temperatures often soaring above 40°C (104°F) in some regions, it’s crucial to know how to stay safe and comfortable. Here’s a guide to help you navigate the Spanish heat.

How Hot Does It Get?

Spain experiences a Mediterranean climate characterized by hot, dry summers and mild, wet winters. In cities like Madrid, Seville, and Córdoba, summer temperatures can reach extreme highs, sometimes exceeding 45°C (113°F). Coastal areas like Barcelona and Valencia, while slightly cooler, can still see temperatures around 35°C (95°F) combined with high humidity.

Regional Variations

  • Inland Areas: Expect the highest temperatures, particularly in southern regions like Andalusia.
  • Coastal Areas: While generally cooler, high humidity can make the heat feel more intense.
  • Northern Spain: Milder summers with temperatures usually not exceeding 30°C (86°F).

Staying Safe in the Heat

Hydration is Key

Dehydration is a significant risk in hot weather. Make sure to:

  • Drink Plenty of Water: Aim for at least 2 liters per day, more if you're active.
  • Avoid Alcohol and Caffeine: These can dehydrate you further.
  • Eat Hydrating Foods: Fruits like watermelon, oranges, and cucumbers are great options.

Dress Appropriately

  • Lightweight and Light-Colored Clothing: Choose breathable fabrics like cotton or linen.
  • Wide-Brimmed Hats: Protect your face and neck from direct sunlight.
  • Sunglasses: To protect your eyes from harmful UV rays.

Timing Your Activities

  • Avoid the Midday Sun: The sun is strongest between 11 AM and 4 PM. Try to stay indoors during these hours.
  • Plan Outdoor Activities for Early Morning or Late Evening: These times are cooler and safer for physical exertion.

Use Sunscreen

  • High SPF: Choose a sunscreen with at least SPF 30.
  • Reapply Regularly: Especially after swimming or sweating.

Seek Shade

  • Natural Shade: Trees and buildings can provide relief from the sun.
  • Umbrellas and Canopies: Useful when spending extended periods outside.

Precautions to Take

Recognize Signs of Heat-Related Illnesses

  • Heat Exhaustion: Symptoms include heavy sweating, weakness, dizziness, nausea, and headache. Move to a cooler place, drink water, and rest.
  • Heat Stroke: A medical emergency with symptoms like high body temperature, confusion, fainting, and rapid pulse. Seek immediate medical help.

Stay Informed

  • Weather Updates: Keep an eye on local weather forecasts for heatwave warnings.
  • Air Conditioning: Ensure your accommodation has proper cooling facilities.

Why These Precautions Are Important

Health Risks

Ignoring the heat can lead to severe health problems, from dehydration and heat exhaustion to heat stroke, which can be fatal. Vulnerable populations, such as the elderly, young children, and those with pre-existing health conditions, are at higher risk.

Enjoying Your Stay

Taking these precautions not only ensures your safety but also enhances your overall experience in Spain. You'll be able to enjoy outdoor activities, explore the sights, and immerse yourself in the local culture without the discomfort and dangers associated with extreme heat.

Environmental Awareness

Understanding and respecting the climate also reflects a mindful approach to travel. By staying informed and prepared, you contribute to a culture of safety and awareness that benefits both locals and tourists.


Spain's summer heat can be intense, but with the right preparations, you can stay safe and enjoy all the beauty and excitement this country has to offer. Stay hydrated, dress appropriately, plan your activities wisely, and always be aware of the weather conditions. By taking these steps, you'll ensure a memorable and safe visit to Spain.

Moving to Spain: A Comprehensive Guide for Americans


Spain, with its rich history, vibrant culture, and beautiful landscapes, has become an attractive destination for many Americans looking to relocate. Whether you're seeking a slower pace of life, a more affordable cost of living, or simply a change of scenery, Spain offers an appealing blend of old-world charm and modern conveniences. This blog post will guide you through the reasons why you should consider moving to Spain, the steps involved in the relocation process, the types of visas you'll need, and the overall process to make your move smooth and successful.

Why Move to Spain?

Quality of Life

Spain is renowned for its high quality of life, which includes excellent healthcare, a strong sense of community, and a slower, more relaxed pace of living. The Mediterranean lifestyle emphasizes work-life balance, social interaction, and enjoyment of simple pleasures like good food and beautiful surroundings.

Cost of Living

Compared to many parts of the United States, the cost of living in Spain can be significantly lower. Housing, groceries, transportation, and dining out are generally more affordable, allowing for a comfortable lifestyle even on a moderate income.


Spain boasts a diverse climate, from the sunny beaches of the Costa del Sol to the cooler, green landscapes of the north. The country enjoys over 300 days of sunshine per year in many regions, making it an ideal destination for those who love warm weather.

Culture and History

Spain is rich in culture and history, with countless museums, historical sites, and festivals to explore. The country's diverse regions offer unique traditions, cuisines, and languages, providing endless opportunities for discovery and enrichment.

How to Move to Spain

Research and Planning

Before making the move, it's crucial to research and plan thoroughly. This includes understanding the cost of living in different regions, job opportunities, healthcare options, and the overall lifestyle. Visit Spain if possible, explore potential areas to live, and connect with expat communities to gain insights and advice.

Financial Preparation

Ensure you have sufficient savings to cover initial expenses such as housing deposits, moving costs, and settling-in expenses. It's also important to understand the tax implications of moving to Spain and to plan your finances accordingly.

Language Preparation

While many Spaniards speak English, especially in tourist areas, learning Spanish will greatly enhance your experience and integration. Consider taking language classes before and after your move.

Visas for Moving to Spain

Tourist Visa (Schengen Visa)

Duration and Purpose

  • Duration: Up to 90 days within a 180-day period
  • Purpose: Tourism, short-term business trips, visiting friends and family


  • Valid Passport: Must be valid for at least three months beyond the planned departure date from Spain.
  • Proof of Return or Onward Travel: Confirmed flight tickets.
  • Proof of Accommodation: Hotel reservations, invitation letter from a host, or a rental agreement.
  • Sufficient Financial Means: Bank statements, pay slips, or proof of sponsorship showing you can support yourself during your stay.
  • Travel Insurance: Coverage of at least €30,000 for medical emergencies and repatriation.

Application Process

  • Submit Application: Submit the application at a Spanish consulate or via an external service provider.
  • Attend an Interview: In some cases, you might be asked to attend an interview.
  • Processing Time: Typically 15 days but can take longer during peak seasons.

Non-Lucrative Visa

Duration and Purpose

  • Duration: Initially one year, renewable
  • Purpose: Living in Spain without engaging in any work or professional activities


  • Valid Passport: Must be valid for the duration of the stay.
  • Proof of Financial Means: Bank statements, pension slips, or other proof showing a stable income (minimum required amount changes annually, generally around €2,200 per month for the main applicant plus additional for dependents).
  • Health Insurance: Private health insurance covering all risks in Spain.
  • Clean Criminal Record: Certificates from your home country and any country where you have resided in the past five years.
  • Medical Certificate: Proof that you do not have any diseases that could pose a public health risk.

Application Process

  • Gather Documentation: Collect all necessary documents and ensure they are translated into Spanish.
  • Submit Application: Submit the application to the Spanish consulate in your home country.
  • Attend an Interview: Be prepared to explain your reasons for moving and your financial situation.
  • Processing Time: Can take up to three months.

Work Visa

Duration and Purpose

  • Duration: Depends on the employment contract, typically one year, renewable
  • Purpose: Employment in Spain


  • Job Offer: A job offer from a Spanish company.
  • Work Authorization: The employer must obtain work authorization from the Spanish Ministry of Labor.
  • Valid Passport: Must be valid for the duration of the stay.
  • Proof of Qualifications: Degrees, diplomas, or professional certifications relevant to the job.
  • Clean Criminal Record: Certificates from your home country and any country where you have resided in the past five years.
  • Medical Certificate: Proof that you do not have any diseases that could pose a public health risk.

Application Process

  • Employer Applies for Work Authorization: The employer submits an application to the Spanish Ministry of Labor.
  • Gather Documentation: Collect all necessary documents and ensure they are translated into Spanish.
  • Submit Application: Submit the visa application to the Spanish consulate in your home country once work authorization is granted.
  • Attend an Interview: Be prepared to discuss your job and future plans in Spain.
  • Processing Time: Can take up to three months.

Student Visa

Duration and Purpose

  • Duration: Length of the study program, typically one academic year, renewable
  • Purpose: Studying in Spain


  • Acceptance Letter: From a recognized Spanish educational institution.
  • Valid Passport: Must be valid for the duration of the stay.
  • Proof of Financial Means: Bank statements, scholarship details, or proof of sponsorship showing you can support yourself during your studies.
  • Health Insurance: Private health insurance covering all risks in Spain.
  • Proof of Accommodation: Documented evidence of where you will be living during your studies.
  • Clean Criminal Record: Certificates from your home country and any country where you have resided in the past five years.
  • Medical Certificate: Proof that you do not have any diseases that could pose a public health risk.

Application Process

  • Gather Documentation: Collect all necessary documents and ensure they are translated into Spanish.
  • Submit Application: Submit the application to the Spanish consulate in your home country.
  • Attend an Interview: Be prepared to discuss your study plans and future aspirations.
  • Processing Time: Typically around one to two months.

Golden Visa

Duration and Purpose

  • Duration: Initially two years, renewable
  • Purpose: Residency through significant investment in Spain


  • Investment: Minimum investment of €500,000 in Spanish real estate, or other qualifying investments such as business ventures or government bonds.
  • Valid Passport: Must be valid for the duration of the stay.
  • Proof of Investment: Legal documents proving the investment has been made.
  • Health Insurance: Private health insurance covering all risks in Spain.
  • Clean Criminal Record: Certificates from your home country and any country where you have resided in the past five years.
  • Proof of Financial Means: Demonstrate sufficient funds to support yourself and any dependents.

Application Process

  • Make the Investment: Complete the investment prior to applying for the visa.
  • Gather Documentation: Collect all necessary documents and ensure they are translated into Spanish.
  • Submit Application: Submit the application to the Spanish consulate in your home country.
  • Attend an Interview: Be prepared to discuss your investment and future plans in Spain.
  • Processing Time: Typically around two to three months.


Moving to Spain is an exciting adventure that requires careful planning and preparation. By understanding the reasons for your move, the types of visas available, and the steps involved in the application process, you can ensure a smooth transition to your new life in Spain. Embrace the journey and enjoy all that this beautiful country has to offer!

Serena Golf

1. Location, Location, Location

Serena Golf is nestled in the picturesque region of Murcia, a hidden gem on Spain’s southeastern coast. Known for its stunning landscapes, Murcia offers a perfect blend of natural beauty and modern amenities. With its proximity to the Mediterranean Sea, residents and visitors can enjoy both the serene countryside and vibrant coastal life. The region boasts over 300 days of sunshine a year, making it a year-round destination for sun-seekers.

2. The Club: A Place to Relax

La Serena Golf is located in the charming municipality of Los Alcázares, spanning a significant area right next to the Mar Menor. The course's flat terrain presents challenges primarily due to the prevailing Levante wind and numerous water hazards that come into play on 16 of the 18 holes. The Club House at Serena Golf is designed to provide all the facilities and services needed for a comfortable and enjoyable experience. The ground floor is dedicated to golf services, including dressing rooms, a pro-shop, caddy master, and storage facilities for members and clients. The first floor houses the "La Serena" a-la-carte restaurant and a large bar-cafeteria with a terrace offering breathtaking views of the Mar Menor sea and the golf course. This makes it an ideal place for relaxation and socializing after a round of golf or a day exploring the area.

3. The Restaurant: A Culinary Delight

Given the international nature of the golfers at Serena Golf, the restaurant's cuisine reflects this diversity. The menu offers a wide range of delicious dishes for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. From hearty Full English Breakfasts and nutritious brunch and salad options to shareable paellas and traditional Spanish tapas, there is something for everyone. Signature dishes include Aberdeen Angus burgers with guacamole, freshly made Italian ravioli, and crisp pizzas, all of which pair perfectly with local Murcian red wines. The restaurant also accommodates special dietary requirements, food allergies, and intolerances, ensuring every guest has a satisfying dining experience.

4. The Course: A Golfer’s Paradise

The golf course at Serena Golf, though not overly long, features a traditional design that requires precision and strategy. Golfers must be accurate off the tee to navigate their way to the green amidst clusters of bunkers, desert areas, and water hazards. Over the past two years, Serena Golf has been selecting and testing grass varieties to improve their greens. In 2020, they chose Bermuda Ultra-Dwarf grass, which thrives in warm climates. This variety uses 30% less water, has high tolerance to salinity, weeds, and diseases, and reduces the need for phytosanitary products, all while maintaining excellent playing qualities. These improvements enhance the course's quality and the overall player experience.

5. Strong Investment Potential

Investing in property at Serena Golf is not just about lifestyle; it’s also a smart financial move. The demand for high-quality properties in prime locations like Murcia is steadily increasing. As tourism and expatriate communities grow, property values in desirable areas are likely to appreciate. This makes Serena Golf a promising option for those looking to invest in real estate with the potential for significant returns.

6. High-Quality Amenities

Serena Golf offers a range of high-quality amenities that cater to the needs of modern living. From luxurious swimming pools and fitness centers to fine dining restaurants and social clubs, the development ensures that residents have access to everything they need within a short distance. These amenities not only enhance the living experience but also add value to the property.

7. Excellent Infrastructure

Murcia has seen significant investment in its infrastructure over the past few years. The region is well-connected by road, rail, and air, making it easy to travel to and from other major cities in Spain and Europe. The new Region of Murcia International Airport further enhances the area’s accessibility, making it an attractive option for international investors and holidaymakers.

8. Rich Cultural Heritage

Murcia is steeped in history and culture, offering a rich tapestry of experiences for residents and visitors alike. From ancient Roman ruins and medieval castles to vibrant festivals and local markets, there is always something to explore. Living in Serena Golf provides the perfect base for discovering the cultural treasures of the region.

9. Affordable Cost of Living

Compared to other popular regions in Spain, Murcia offers a relatively affordable cost of living. This makes it an attractive option for retirees, families, and individuals looking to enjoy a high quality of life without breaking the bank. Lower costs for daily expenses, dining, and entertainment mean that residents can enjoy more for less.

10. Safe and Friendly Community

One of the most appealing aspects of investing in Serena Golf is the sense of community. The development is designed to foster a safe and welcoming environment where neighbors can form lasting friendships. The friendly atmosphere, coupled with the region’s low crime rates, ensures peace of mind for property owners.

11. Commitment to the Environment

La Serena Golf lies in the municipality of Los Alcázares, occupying an expanse of land right next to the Mar Menor. The development is committed to environmental stewardship, incorporating green spaces, energy-efficient buildings, and eco-friendly practices. The recent remodelling of the golf course with Bermuda Ultra-Dwarf grass, which consumes less water and reduces the need for chemical treatments, demonstrates their commitment to sustainability. These efforts help maintain natural habitats, improve biodiversity, and enhance the overall quality of the golf course.

12. Los Alcázares: Points of Interest

Investing in Serena Golf also means being close to the numerous attractions of Los Alcázares. This charming coastal town offers beautiful sandy beaches along the Mar Menor, Europe's largest saltwater lagoon. The warm, shallow waters are perfect for swimming and water sports, making it an ideal spot for families. The town itself is rich in history, with sites like the old fishing village and the Roman baths that date back to ancient times.

For those who enjoy outdoor activities, there are plenty of options. The nearby Sierra de Carrascoy and the Regional Park of Calblanque provide excellent hiking and nature trails. Additionally, Los Alcázares hosts various festivals and cultural events throughout the year, such as the International Week of the Garden and the Sea, offering a glimpse into the local traditions and vibrant community spirit.


Investing in a property on Serena Golf in Murcia offers a unique blend of luxury, lifestyle, and financial potential. With its stunning location, world-class amenities, and strong investment prospects, it’s no wonder that this development is attracting discerning buyers from around the world. Whether you’re looking for a holiday home, a retirement haven, or a smart investment, Serena Golf provides an unparalleled opportunity to own a piece of paradise in one of Spain’s most beautiful regions.

Exploring Murcia: A Culinary Adventure

Nestled in the southeastern corner of Spain, Murcia boasts a rich culinary heritage that reflects its diverse landscape and historical influences. From the freshest seafood to hearty meat dishes and exquisite desserts, Murcia offers a gastronomic experience that is both unique and deeply satisfying. Here’s a guide to what you should order when dining out in this vibrant region, divided into categories for easy navigation.

Tapas: The Perfect Start

  1. Marineras:
    • A delightful blend of Russian salad (potato salad with tuna, mayonnaise, and vegetables) served on a crispy bread ring, topped with an anchovy. It's the perfect combination of creamy and salty.
  2. Zarangollo:
    • A traditional Murcian tapa made with scrambled eggs, zucchini, and onions. Simple yet flavorful, this dish highlights the region's fresh produce.
  3. Pulpo a la Murciana:
    • Octopus cooked in a rich tomato sauce with a hint of paprika and olive oil. This dish is a testament to Murcia’s love for seafood and bold flavors.
  4. Michirones:
    • A hearty tapa made from dried broad beans cooked with chorizo, ham, and spices. It’s a warming dish that’s perfect for cooler evenings.
  5. Tigre:
    • Stuffed mussels coated in a spicy tomato sauce, often served with a slice of lemon. This tapa packs a punch with its bold flavors and is a favorite among seafood lovers.
  6. Caballitos:
    • Skewered prawns deep fried in batter usually accompanied by a sauce or simply some lemon.
  7. Patatas Bravas:
    • Fried potatoes served with a spicy tomato sauce and aioli. A staple of Spanish cuisine, this tapa offers a perfect balance of heat and creaminess.

Drinks: Refreshing Accompaniments

  1. Tinto de Verano:
    • A refreshing summer drink made by mixing red wine with soda or lemonade, served over ice. It’s light, fruity, and perfect for sipping on a hot day.
  2. Horchata:
    • A creamy and refreshing drink made from ground tiger nuts, sugar, and water. Originating from Valencia but popular throughout Spain, horchata is a delicious non-alcoholic option that pairs well with savory tapas.

Dishes: Hearty and Satisfying

  1. Arroz Caldero:
    • A signature rice dish cooked in a fish broth with ñora peppers and garlic. Often served with a side of fish, it’s a flavorful representation of Murcia’s coastal cuisine.
  2. Caldereta de Cordero:
    • A lamb stew cooked with potatoes, vegetables, and a rich blend of spices. This dish is a perfect example of Murcia’s robust and comforting flavors.
  3. Pisto Murciano:
    • A vegetable stew similar to ratatouille, made with tomatoes, peppers, zucchini, and onions. Often served with a fried egg on top, it’s a hearty and healthy option.
  4. Ensalada Murciana:
    • A refreshing salad made with tomatoes, onions, olives, and tuna, dressed with olive oil and vinegar. It’s a light and flavorful dish, perfect for a sunny day.
  5. Huevos a la Flamenca:
    • Baked eggs with a mix of tomatoes, peas, chorizo, and ham, served in a clay dish. This colorful and tasty dish is a breakfast favorite but can be enjoyed any time of the day.

Desserts: Sweet Endings

  1. Paparajotes:
    • Lemon leaves coated in a cinnamon-sugar dough and fried to perfection. The leaves impart a subtle lemon flavor, making this a unique and delicious dessert.
  2. Arroz con Leche:
    • Creamy rice pudding flavored with cinnamon and lemon zest. This traditional Spanish dessert is a comforting and sweet way to end your meal.
  3. Tocino de Cielo:
    • A rich and velvety caramel custard made from egg yolks and sugar. Its name translates to “bacon from heaven,” hinting at its divine taste.
  4. Cordiales de Murcia:
    • Almond cookies often filled with angel hair squash. These delicate treats are perfect for those who love nutty and subtly sweet flavors.
  5. Almojábanas:
    • Sweet pastries made from a dough of cheese, flour, and eggs, typically dusted with powdered sugar. They have a light and airy texture, making them a delightful snack or dessert.


Murcia's culinary offerings are a testament to its rich cultural heritage and the abundance of fresh, local ingredients. Whether you’re savoring a simple tapa or indulging in a hearty main dish, each bite tells a story of the region’s history and traditions. So next time you find yourself in Murcia, let this guide be your companion in exploring the delicious and diverse flavors that this beautiful part of Spain has to offer. Bon appétit!

Discover the Charm of Los Alcázares: A Perfect Coastal Escape

Nestled along the picturesque shores of the Mar Menor, Los Alcázares is a hidden gem in the Murcia region of Spain. This coastal town offers a delightful blend of sun, sea, and culture, making it a must-visit destination for travelers seeking both relaxation and adventure. Whether you're a history buff, a water sports enthusiast, or someone looking to soak up the sun, Los Alcázares has something for everyone. Here are some of the top things to do in and around this charming town, complete with pin drops for easy navigation.

1. Enjoy the Beaches

Playa de Los Narejos
Pin Drop: Playa de Los Narejos
Playa de Los Narejos is one of the most popular beaches in Los Alcázares. This expansive beach features fine golden sands and clear, shallow waters perfect for families. It’s an excellent spot for sunbathing, beach games, or a refreshing swim. There are also plenty of amenities including sunbed rentals, beach bars, and restrooms.

Playa de Las Palmeras
Pin Drop: Playa de Las Palmeras
Another favorite, Playa de Las Palmeras, offers a tranquil environment surrounded by palm trees. The gentle waves make it ideal for younger children and those who prefer a more relaxed swimming experience. Enjoy a leisurely walk along the promenade or grab a bite at one of the nearby chiringuitos (beach bars).

2. Explore the Historic Town Center

Torre del Rame
The Torre del Rame is a must-visit landmark in Los Alcázares. This 13th-century watchtower once served as a defense structure against pirate attacks. Climb to the top for breathtaking panoramic views of the Mar Menor and the surrounding landscape.

Calle de la Iglesia
Stroll along Calle de la Iglesia to see charming whitewashed houses and historic buildings. This area offers a glimpse into the town’s past, with its narrow streets and traditional Spanish architecture. Don’t forget to visit the local shops and cafes for a taste of the local culture.

3. Water Sports and Activities

Windsurfing and Kite Surfing
Pin Drop: Windsurfing School
The Mar Menor’s calm and shallow waters make it a haven for windsurfing and kite surfing. There are several schools in Los Alcázares offering lessons and equipment rentals for both beginners and seasoned surfers.

Sailing and Kayaking
Pin Drop: Sailing and Kayaking Rentals
For a more relaxed water activity, consider renting a sailboat or kayak. Explore the lagoon at your own pace, enjoy the serene waters, and discover hidden coves and beaches.

Scuba Diving and Snorkeling
Pin Drop: Dive Center
Dive into the underwater world of the Mar Menor. Local dive centers offer guided scuba diving and snorkeling tours, allowing you to explore the rich marine life and underwater landscapes of the region.

4. Visit the Museo Aeronáutico Municipal

Museo Aeronáutico Municipal
The Museo Aeronáutico Municipal is a fascinating stop for history and aviation enthusiasts. This small museum showcases a collection of vintage aircraft, photographs, and aviation artifacts, providing insight into the region's aeronautical history. Interactive exhibits and knowledgeable guides make it a great educational experience for all ages.

5. Day Trip to Cartagena

Roman Theatre
One of Cartagena’s highlights is its well-preserved Roman Theatre. Dating back to the 1st century BC, this ancient structure offers a glimpse into the city's rich history. The adjoining museum provides further context and displays artifacts from the site.

Concepción Castle
Overlooking Cartagena, the Concepción Castle provides panoramic views of the city and harbor. The castle itself houses a museum detailing the history of Cartagena, from its Carthaginian origins to modern times.

Plaza del Ayuntamiento
The heart of Cartagena is the bustling Plaza del Ayuntamiento. Surrounded by beautiful architecture, including the impressive City Hall, this square is perfect for people-watching, enjoying a coffee, or starting a walking tour of the city.

6. Indulge in Local Cuisine

Best Restaurant/Bar/Coastal views:

Pin Drop:Kinita

Kinita Restaurant and Beach Club in Los Alcázares is a stylish and sophisticated venue that seamlessly blends fine dining with a laid-back beachfront vibe. Situated right on the coast, this chic establishment offers stunning sea views and a menu that features an exquisite fusion of Mediterranean and international cuisine. Guests can enjoy a variety of gourmet dishes crafted from fresh, locally sourced ingredients while basking in the sun or relaxing under the stars. With its elegant decor, exceptional service, and prime location, Kinita provides a perfect setting for both intimate dinners and lively gatherings, making it a standout destination in Los Alcázares.

Caldero and Mar Menor Prawns

Pin Drop: El Chato

El Chato Restaurant in Los Alcázares, Murcia, is a culinary gem renowned for its authentic Spanish cuisine and warm, inviting atmosphere. This charming eatery offers a diverse menu that highlights fresh, locally sourced ingredients, with a special focus on traditional Murcian dishes. Patrons can enjoy a delightful array of tapas, seafood, and grilled meats, all expertly prepared and presented. With its friendly service and cozy ambiance, El Chato provides a memorable dining experience that captures the essence of Spanish hospitality.

Tapas Bars

Pin Drop: La Gonga Bar - Taperia

A vibrant and popular spot known for its delicious tapas and lively atmosphere. This bar-taperia offers an extensive selection of traditional Spanish small plates, featuring fresh seafood, succulent meats, and flavorful vegetarian options. The friendly staff and relaxed setting make it an ideal place for both locals and visitors to enjoy a casual meal or a night out with friends. With its emphasis on quality ingredients and authentic flavors, La Gonga Bar - Taperia provides a true taste of Spanish cuisine in the heart of Los Alcázares.

7. Enjoy the Nightlife

Beachside Bars
Pin Drop: Spinosa Beach Bar
As the sun sets, head to one of the many beachside bars for a laid-back evening. Enjoy a cocktail or a cold beer while listening to live music and watching the waves.

Pubs and Clubs
Pin Drop: La Zona Pub
For those looking for more excitement, Los Alcázares offers a range of pubs and clubs. Dance the night away to both local and international music, or join in on themed nights and special events.

8. Explore the Natural Parks

Salinas y Arenales de San Pedro del Pinatar Regional Park
Just a short drive from Los Alcázares, this regional park is a haven for nature lovers. The salt flats and sand dunes are home to a variety of bird species, including flamingos. Walking trails and observation points allow for up-close wildlife viewing and photography.

Calblanque Regional Park
Another nearby natural park, Calblanque, offers rugged coastal landscapes, unspoiled beaches, and hiking trails. It’s a great place to escape the crowds and enjoy the natural beauty of the Murcia region.


Los Alcázares is a delightful destination that offers a perfect blend of relaxation, adventure, and cultural experiences. Whether you're basking on the beaches, exploring historic sites, or indulging in local cuisine, this charming town promises a memorable and enriching experience. Pack your bags and get ready to discover the beauty and charm of Los Alcázares.


Spain, with its stunning coastline and Mediterranean climate, has long been a favorite destination for property investment, especially among those seeking sun, sea, and sand. The allure of beachfront properties is undeniable, but is it wise to solely focus on the beach when buying real estate in Spain? In this blog, we'll explore the reasons why a broader perspective is essential when considering property investment in this beautiful country.

  1. Limited Seasonal Appeal: While beachfront properties may seem idyllic during the summer months when the sun is shining and the sea is inviting, their appeal can diminish during the off-season. In many coastal areas of Spain, particularly those geared towards tourism, the influx of visitors decreases outside of the peak summer season. Consequently, properties located solely for beach access may experience lower rental yields or struggle to attract buyers outside of the summer months.
  2. Vulnerability to Natural Elements: Coastal properties are inherently more exposed to the elements, including erosion, storms, and rising sea levels. Climate change has heightened concerns about the long-term viability of beachfront properties, with some areas experiencing increased risks of flooding and coastal erosion. Investing in a property solely for its proximity to the beach without considering these risks could leave you vulnerable to future environmental challenges.
  3. Noise and Crowds: While the idea of living or vacationing by the beach may conjure images of tranquility, the reality can often be quite different, especially in popular tourist destinations. Beachfront areas tend to attract crowds, noise from beach bars, and the hustle and bustle of tourists. For those seeking peace and quiet, a property directly on the beach may not offer the serenity they desire, leading to potential disappointment after purchase.
  4. Limited Amenities and Services: Properties located directly on the beach may offer breathtaking views, but they can also be isolated from essential amenities and services. In some coastal areas, the concentration of tourist-oriented businesses means that year-round residents may have limited access to supermarkets, healthcare facilities, schools, and other necessities. Additionally, the infrastructure in some beachfront areas may not be as well-maintained as in more urban or suburban locations.
  5. Diversification of Investment: Diversification is a fundamental principle of investment that applies to real estate as much as it does to stocks and bonds. Putting all your investment capital into a beachfront property limits your diversification and exposes you to the risks specific to that location. By considering properties in a variety of locations, including inland towns and cities, you can spread your risk and potentially achieve more stable returns on your investment.

Conclusion: While the allure of beachfront living in Spain is undeniable, it's essential not to let the golden sands blind you to other important considerations when purchasing property. By taking a holistic approach and considering factors such as seasonal appeal, environmental risks, noise levels, amenities, and diversification, you can make a more informed decision that aligns with your long-term goals and preferences. So, before you dive headfirst into that beachfront property, take a step back and consider the bigger picture.

Explore Culinary Delights: Top 10 Restaurants Near El Valle Golf Resort

Are you ready to tantalize your taste buds with a gastronomic adventure near El Valle Golf Resort? Whether you're a local resident or a traveler exploring the Murcia region, these top 10 restaurants offer an array of delightful cuisines to suit every palate. Let's dive into the culinary treasures awaiting you:

Sandalo Restaurant El Valle Golf Resort

Location: El Valle Golf, 30155 Murcia, Spain

Contact: +34 968 03 10 01

Cuisine: Spanish, International

Popular Dishes:

Beef tenderloin

Fish and Chips

Gambas al Ajillo

Gateway to India

Location: Avendida de Murcia 44 Local 2, Roldan, Torre-Pacheco, Spain

Contact: +34 632 25 07 16

Cuisine: Indian, Asian

Popular Dishes:

Chicken Tikka Masala

Variety of Curries to choose from

Delicious Naan breads


Location: Carretera San Javier km 1,3, Banos y Mendigo, Spain

Contact: +34 968 38 30 77

Cuisine: Spanish Mediterranean

Popular Dishes:

Seafood Paella

Grilled Mediterranean vegetables with goat cheese

Venta de la Virgen

Location: Avenida de Murcia, 15 Banos y Mendigo, 30155 Murcia, Spain

Contact: +34 651 64 40 90

Cuisine: Mediterranean, Spanish, Healthy

Popular Dishes:

Grilled octopus with potatoes and paprika

Gazpacho Andaluz

Los Cazadores de Corvera

Location: Carretera de la Fuente Alamo 3, 30153 Corvera, Spain

Contact: +34 968 38 02 25

Cuisine: Mediterranean, European, Spanish, International

Popular Dishes:

Sirloin steak with Roquefort sauce

Seafood risotto

La Destileria

Location: Calle de San Pedro 1, 30590 Sucina, Spain

Contact: +34 622 85 21 49

Cuisine: Fusion

Popular Dishes:

Sushi platter

Variety of Burgers and Pizzas

Wagyu Beef


Blue Collar

Location: Town Centre La Torre golf resort, Roldán, Torre-Pacheco, Spain

Contact: +1968953536

Cuisine: Fusion

Popular Dishes:

Beef sliders with caramelized onions

Teriyaki chicken bowl

Gastrobar 6 Sentidos

Location: Avenida del Mundo, Centro Comercial Plaza Mosa Nº 8 BL. F Mosa Trajectum, Banos y Mendigo, 30155 Murcia, Spain

Contact: +34 604 46 25 35

Cuisine: Spanish, Contemporary, International, Mediterranean

Popular Dishes:

Grilled Lobster

Seafood paella

Pòrk tenderloin

¨Todo chocolate¨ dessert

Kinita Restaurant and Beach Club

Location: Finca La Rosaleda, Camino al Camping Mar Menor, 30720 Los Alcázares, Spain

Contact: +34 674 11 23 06

Cuisine: Mediterranean, Spanish, Healthy

Popular Dishes:

Grilled sea bass with lemon and herbs

Quinoa salad with avocado and grilled vegetables

Venta La Asomada

Location: Baños y Mendigo, 30155 Murcia, Spain

Contact: +34 968 38 33 04

Cuisine: Vegetarian Friendly, Vegan Options, Gluten Free Options

Popular Dishes:

Chuletón D.O. Navarra (beef)

Prensado de Cordero (lamb)

Embark on a culinary journey and indulge in the diverse flavors offered by these exceptional restaurants near El Valle Golf Resort. Whether you're craving traditional Spanish dishes, international flavors, or fusion delicacies, these establishments promise a memorable dining experience. Bon appétit!

Exploring Culinary Delights in Murcia: A Food Lover's Guide

Are you ready to embark on a gastronomic journey through the vibrant city of Murcia? From savory pizzas to tantalizing ramen bowls and exquisite Spanish cuisine, Murcia offers a diverse array of dining options to satisfy every palate. Join us as we delve into some of the city's finest eateries, each offering a unique culinary experience.

These are all in order of pricing.

1. Mano a Mano

Location: Link to Google Maps
Price Range: €6-€12
Cuisine: Italian, Argentinian, Pizza, Mediterranean

Recommendation: Indulge in the flavors of Argentina with the delicious Empanadas or savor the traditional Margherita Pizza for a taste of Italy. Don't miss the creamy Carbonara pasta for a classic Italian treat.

2. Natsu Ramen

Location: Link to Google Maps
Price Range: €3-€14
Cuisine: Japanese, Asian

Recommendation: Warm your soul with a steaming bowl of Tonkotsu Ramen or try the flavorful Miso Ramen, rich in umami flavors. For a refreshing appetizer, indulge in their delicate Edamame beans seasoned with sea salt.

3. Impala

Location: Link to Google Maps
Price Range: €14-€23
Cuisine: American, Latina, International, Spanish, Street Food

Recommendation: Dive into the vibrant flavors of Latin America with their mouthwatering Tacos al Pastor or try the flavorful Cuban Sandwich. Pair it with their signature Guacamole for a complete Mexican experience.

4. La Pequeña Taberna

Location: Link to Google Maps
Price Range: €2.50-€26
Cuisine: Mediterranean, Spanish

Recommendation: Treat yourself to a classic Spanish dish with the Gambas al Ajillo or indulge in the mouthwatering Solomillo al Whisky. For a lighter option, try their Ensalada Murciana, a refreshing salad with tomatoes, olives, and tuna.

5. Restaurante Salzillo

Location: Link to Google Maps
Price Range: €25-€60
Cuisine: Mediterranean, Spanish, European

Recommendation: Experience the essence of Mediterranean cuisine with the Paella Valenciana or try the succulent Cochinillo Asado, a roasted suckling pig. For starters, indulge in their refreshing Gazpacho, a cold tomato-based soup.

6. La Tapa

Location: Link to Google Maps
Price Range: €40
Cuisine: Mediterranean, European, Spanish

Recommendation: Indulge in the ultimate Spanish culinary experience with the Jamón Ibérico de Bellota or try the mouthwatering Pulpo a la Parrilla. For a unique flavor, savor their Albóndigas en Salsa de Almendras, meatballs in almond sauce.

7. Restaurante Frases

Location: Link to Google Maps
Price Range: €40-€70
Cuisine: Spanish, Contemporary

Recommendation: Delight your senses with the creative flavors of Spain with the Pulpo a la Gallega or try the innovative Rabo de Toro al Vino Tinto. For a refreshing starter, indulge in their Ensalada de Aguacate y Langostinos, avocado and shrimp salad.

8. Restaurante Morales

Location: Link to Google Maps
Price Range: €60
Cuisine: Spanish, Mediterranean

Recommendation: Indulge in the flavors of the sea with the Zarzuela de Mariscos or try the savory Arroz Caldoso de Bogavante. For a starter, savor their refreshing Ensalada de Pulpo, octopus salad.

9. Local de Ensayo

Location: Link to Google Maps
Price Range: €70-€80
Cuisine: Spanish, Fusion

Recommendation: Elevate your dining experience with the Tasting Menu, featuring innovative dishes that blend traditional Spanish flavors with modern techniques. Don't miss their Foie Gras with Fig Jam or the indulgent Wagyu Beef Carpaccio.

10. Cabaña Buenavista

Location: Link to Google Maps
Price Range: €150-€175 (Menu)
Cuisine: Spanish, International, Healthy

Two Michelin Stars

Recommendation: Indulge in a gastronomic experience like no other with the Tasting Menu, meticulously crafted by the Michelin-starred chef. Savor their Ternera Gallega a la Brasa, grilled Galician beef, and the refreshing Ostra al Natural, natural oysters.

Whether you're craving traditional Spanish fare or seeking out exotic flavors from around the globe, Murcia's culinary scene has something to offer every discerning palate. So, gather your friends and family, and embark on a culinary adventure through the streets of Murcia, where every meal is a celebration of flavor and culture. Bon appétit!


The Sizzle and Serenity of Summer in Murcia

As the scorching sun casts its fiery gaze upon the Spanish landscape, there's a place that basks in the heat with a unique tranquility. Welcome to Murcia, a region where the summer heat is as intense as its silence is profound. While the rest of Spain may buzz with tourist activity, Murcia embraces a slower pace, inviting visitors to immerse themselves in its hot embrace and discover the beauty of serenity.

The Heatwave Haven

Located in the southeastern corner of the Iberian Peninsula, Murcia is no stranger to summer's sweltering touch. Its Mediterranean climate ensures that temperatures soar, often reaching well over 30°C (86°F) and sometimes even surpassing 40°C (104°F). The sun-drenched landscapes, adorned with olive groves, vineyards, and citrus orchards, seem to shimmer under the relentless blaze of the sun.

A Symphony of Silence

What sets Murcia apart from other hotspots is its tranquil ambiance. While coastal cities may pulse with the rhythms of nightlife and tourism, Murcia remains an oasis of calm. Its smaller towns and villages exude an atmosphere of peacefulness, inviting visitors to explore labyrinthine streets adorned with centuries-old architecture, where time seems to stand still.

The silence of Murcia's summer is not just the absence of noise but a symphony of its own. It's the gentle rustle of olive leaves in the breeze, the distant hum of cicadas in the orchards, and the soft murmur of fountains in hidden courtyards. It's a place where one can truly disconnect from the chaos of modern life and reconnect with nature, with oneself, and with the rich tapestry of Spanish culture.

The Summer Silence

Step into the heart of Murcia during the peak of summer, and you'll encounter a city seemingly caught in a tranquil slumber. The streets, typically bustling with locals and tourists alike, take on a hushed quality as the sun beats down relentlessly. It's not uncommon to find shops closing early, shutters drawn to shield against the oppressive heat, while the sounds of footsteps echo softly against ancient stone walls.

But this apparent stillness belies a deeper truth: Murcia hasn't emptied – it has merely shifted its focus. For nestled along the coast lies a haven of cool breezes, sparkling waters, and vibrant beach towns that beckon to both locals and visitors seeking relief from the inland heat.

The Coastal Escape

Follow the trail of Murcians in search of respite, and you'll find yourself drawn inexorably to the coast. From the golden sands of La Manga del Mar Menor to the rugged beauty of Calblanque Natural Park, the lure of the Costa Cálida is undeniable.

Here, where the sea meets the shore in a harmonious embrace, life takes on a different rhythm. Beachfront promenades teem with activity as families stroll leisurely, ice creams in hand, and children splash joyfully in the shallows. Meanwhile, water sports enthusiasts carve through the waves, their laughter mingling with the cries of seagulls overhead.

The Coastal Charms

What draws Murcians to the coast isn't just the promise of cooler temperatures – it's the irresistible allure of coastal living. Seaside cafes beckon with the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and the promise of sea views, while seafood restaurants tempt with their bounty from the deep.

In the coastal towns of Águilas, Mazarrón, and Cartagena, summer nights come alive with the sound of music and laughter. Beach bars pulse with the rhythms of live music, while waterfront terraces offer the perfect spot to watch the sun sink below the horizon in a blaze of fiery hues.

The Return Home

As the day draws to a close and the sea breeze begins to whisper its lullabies, many Murcians reluctantly bid farewell to the coast and make their way back inland. But while they may leave behind the sandy shores and salt-kissed air, they carry with them memories of sun-soaked days and balmy nights spent in the embrace of the Costa Cálida.

So, the next time you find yourself wandering the quiet streets of Murcia on a hot summer day, remember: the city may be silent, but just beyond the horizon lies a world of coastal wonders waiting to be explored. And perhaps, like the Murcians themselves, you too will heed the call of the coast and discover the magic that awaits along the shores of the Costa Cálida.

Staying Safe in the Murcian Heat

While the allure of Murcia's summer may be undeniable, it's essential to take precautions to stay safe in the intense heat. Here are some tips to help you enjoy your time in Murcia while keeping cool and avoiding heat-related illnesses:

1. Stay Hydrated: With temperatures soaring, it's crucial to stay hydrated throughout the day. Carry a reusable water bottle with you and drink plenty of fluids, even if you don't feel thirsty.

2. Dress Appropriately: Choose lightweight, loose-fitting clothing made of breathable fabrics like cotton to help keep your body cool. Don't forget to wear a wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses to protect your face and eyes from the sun's rays.

3. Seek Shade: When spending time outdoors, look for shaded areas such as parks, tree-lined streets, or outdoor cafes. Taking breaks in the shade can help prevent overheating and sunburn.

4. Limit Outdoor Activities: Try to schedule outdoor activities during the cooler parts of the day, such as early morning or evening. If you must be outside during peak heat hours, take frequent breaks indoors to cool off.

5. Use Sunscreen: Apply sunscreen with a high SPF to all exposed skin, and reapply it regularly, especially after swimming or sweating. Sunburn not only damages the skin but also increases the risk of heat-related illnesses.

6. Avoid Strenuous Exercise: While it's essential to stay active, avoid engaging in strenuous exercise during the hottest parts of the day. Save your workouts for cooler times or opt for indoor activities instead.

7. Check on Vulnerable Individuals: Keep an eye on children, the elderly, and those with chronic health conditions, as they are more susceptible to heat-related illnesses. Ensure they have access to shade, water, and a cool environment.

8. Use Fans or Air Conditioning: If possible, stay indoors during the hottest hours of the day and use fans or air conditioning to keep your living space cool. Consider visiting air-conditioned public spaces like shopping malls or libraries to escape the heat.

9. Know the Signs of Heat-Related Illnesses: Familiarize yourself with the symptoms of heat exhaustion (such as heavy sweating, dizziness, and nausea) and heatstroke (including confusion, rapid heartbeat, and loss of consciousness). If you or someone else experiences these symptoms, seek medical attention immediately.

10. Be Mindful of Pets: Don't forget about your furry friends during the summer months. Ensure they have access to shade, fresh water, and shelter from the heat. Never leave pets in a parked car, as temperatures can quickly become dangerously high.

By following these tips, you can enjoy all that Murcia has to offer during the summer while staying safe and comfortable in the heat. So go ahead, embrace the warmth, soak up the sun, and make unforgettable memories in this captivating corner of Spain.

Keystyle Properties

Luxury, Bespoke and Resort Property Sales throughout the Costa Calida and Costa Blanca, Spain
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